
You know how most small businesses struggle to find new clients? Well, YOUR small business doesn’t have to battle the inconsistent, up-and-down roller coaster of irregular cash flow.

You can generate all the new leads and sales you need to create the flexibility and financial freedom you desire. AND… Finally, achieve the lifestyle you dream about.

Your small business should be the industry’s premier market leader and the trusted brand that customers want to refer their friends to. Then You’ll be able to live life on your terms and have all the time and flexibility you could ever want.

By implementing Direct Response Advertising that is accountable to results, you can have a consistent pipeline of new, qualified prospects, eagerly waiting to buy from you.

And that’s what I do.

I help personal-brand based entrepreneurs and small business owners effectively reach their target markets with persuasive messaging so that they can follow up with the new leads, sell more of their products and services, and have a prosperous business, and a fulfilling personal and professional life.

I’ve studied communications and how to ethically influence others my entire life. As a child, I wrote short stories and poetry to process my parents’ divorce. In high school, I devoured advanced English courses. And I have a graduate degree in leadership and an MBA certificate for Salesforce from a prestigious business school.

I am the Founder and CEO of Activate Advertising Agency, L.L.C., a direct response advertising, content marketing, and results-based copywriting firm in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

I have worked in and with small businesses and family businesses for 17 years. Prior to starting Activate, I was a corporate account executive for a multi-billion dollar, Forbes “Top 20” private businesses, served as a pastor on staff with a megachurch, been on the board of directors of numerous nonprofits, held several senior management positions, and most recently was Vice President of a national financial marketing organization.

I have a B.S. in religious studies and sociology with a minor in philosophy from Ball State University, an M.A. in ministerial leadership from Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University, have done postgraduate work in the School of Intercultural Studies with Fuller Theological Seminary, and have completed the MBA Essentials program for Salesforce with the Drucker School of Management at Claremont Graduate University.

I’m a 2013 and 2017 finalist in the Global Peter F. Drucker Challenge, a management essay competition, sponsored in part by Harvard Business Review. And I’m currently in the process of publishing my first full-length book on the business principles of Peter Drucker for today.

Contact me today to take the first steps in Activating Your Advertising.



Here’s a little more about my story…

I started Activate Advertising Agency, L.L.C. out of response to a vision God gave me about taking ministry into the marketplace – to be and do “Business as Mission”.

Did you know that 39 out of the 40 miracles recorded in the Book of Acts were conducted in the marketplace???

You see, I believe biblical principles support business best-practices and that entrepreneurship is a wonderful vehicle for evangelism.

For me, my work IS worship. And marketing, or telling transformational stories for others to believe, is really just a reflection of the Gospel message being shared in a missionary context.

The New Testament accounts of Jesus are essentially a commercial or  “product demonstration” of what a full life in relationship with our Heavenly Father can look like.

And after all John 1:14 says that in Christ, the “Word became flesh and dwelt among us”. All of the world’s history is “His-story” – a grand, biblical narrative about God’s love for us.

Additionally, the Apostle Paul could be argued as the “greatest copywriter of all time”, since he penned half the New Testament! These Epistles, are basically sales letters, written as educational advertisements, designed to inform and persuade entire groups of people (i.e., target markets) to believe in Jesus Christ, the Messiah!

I’ll close this page with a prayer from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Church in Ephesus:

“My prayer for you is that every moment you will experience the measureless power of God made available to you through faith. then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you!” — Ephesians 1:19, The Passion Translation

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